11d ago

Randomize Exit only using 2 states in nested artboards

Hi! I ran into this exact problem on a more complicated setup and recreated it here in a simplfied example.

I have an artboard with a simple circle with 4 timelines only changing its color on pointer enter. Randomized exits are given equal factor values.

The randomization from any state works fine until it's added as a nested artbord. Then only 2 of the 4 states are used. It seems like a bug or limitation of randomized exits when nested.

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2 replies
11d ago
11d ago

Yeah. We have seen that there are some problems when using it on nested artboards. We are working on it. Thank you for sharing this.

11d ago

One thing we have seen is that the problem only reproduces in the editor. If you use the share link option, it works, so the problem is not in the runtines. It's only in the editor.