4mo ago

How to post a bug

  1. Explain what's not working in detail.

  2. Tell us what browser/desktop app/OS/runtime you're using.

  3. Include a screenshot, video, code snippet, or a .rev backup file.

0 replies
9h ago

Not able to play lottie animations more than once

I create a solo group which consists of different lottie animations . Create timelines for each animation.

Animations are playing fine for first time. From second time they are not playing.

1 reply
2d ago

Duplicating Timeline Layer does not copy Interpolation between states

  1. What's not working: When I right click on a timeline layer and select duplicate, the resulting duplicated layer transitions have default Interpolations

  2. Using Windows 11 App

  3. Steps to reproduce: Create a timeline layer with a transition. Set the transition to Cubic then duplicate the layer. The duplicated layer will be Linear.

Original layer

Duplicated layer:

1 reply
3d ago

Zoom tool icon showing up when it's not supposed to

I can't be sure when this is happening exactly but sometimes, after selecting an object, the zoom tool icon appears and replace the mouse one. Sometimes, the select tool is seemingly randomly replaced by the zoom tool too.

I'm really not sure how this is happening but that's the idea, i wish i could provide a video or screenshot but it doesn't seem to be possible here, I did post a video of it happening in the general channel of the discord server :)

3 replies
5d ago

Clip is not applied to objects added to Solos after Solo is already being clipped

  • Create three non-overlapping rects

  • Overlap all of them with a fourth rect

  • Add two of the original rects to a Solo

  • Add a Clip to the fourth overlapping rect and target the Solo

  • Add the third Rect to the Solo

Expected: The overlapping fourth rect should render on top of the third rect

Actual: The clip is not applied to the late joining rect

This can be resolved for now by removing the Clip from the overlapping rect and then recreating it.

1 reply
8d ago

Position and Size attributes of Joystick layers resetting when duplicating

If you edit the size/position/etc. of a Joystick layer and then duplicate the hierarchy containing the Joystick layer, the duplicated Joystick seems to partially revert back to a default state (position: [0, 0] size: [100, 100]). This can cause Joysticks to stack on top of each other if they're stored in a group, since they'll all now be positioned at the local origin.

This can also happen when duplicating artboards, and seems to happen when loading .rev backups too.

1 reply
11d ago

Layer animations not working.

Layers not working... I followed this tutorial step by step. It works in Rive when you preview but only 1 layer animates when viewing the exported .riv files using the web runtime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARNCrw4cpj4

3 replies
12d ago

Shortcuts/hotkeys configured in Stream Deck do not pass through to Rive Editor

I currently use a standard Stream Deck and I love to set up keys for my most used shortcuts in After Effects, Illustrator, Figma etc.

My hotkeys do not work in the desktop app for Windows. But they do work in the browser.
I would LOVE if that got patched in at some point.

0 replies
14d ago

New web runtime is trying to setup AudioContext before user interaction

Browsers don't allow audio context without user interacting first. I have a riv file on the site, it has no sound, but when I load it with latest version of rive, it spams console with AudioContext was not allowed to start.
I think Rive could handle this more eloquently, like adding a global listener for click and other eligible events to set up the AudioContext for the first time.

EDIT: And it keeps going up, if all you do is scroll without clicking 😂

4 replies
14d ago

Website bug (announcements)

The announcement thread has this topic on top, saying: "Check here for all of the latest updates and news from Rive.". When you click on that text, all announcements disappear.

1 reply
14d ago

Blend Mode colors not working properly on iOS iPad/iPhone

I used an old paper texture image putted over my design and changed the Blend mode to color burn, on my PC everything is fine, but when I tried it on my iPad and iPhone the colors were mssed up, you can see the difference in the screenshots.

2 replies
14d ago

Flutter Web - Cannot Render Multiple Artboards

So I have a single .riv file that has two artboards, if I render one then I cannot render the other. Its working on mobile but not on web, it was working on the previous version of Rive and not with version 0.8.1317 and flutter rive package version 0.13.2

I have tested on Firefox, Edge and Chrome on Windows, same Issue, here are some images and the code :

As you can see the dog artboard and the button artboard renders on the mobile emulator, but the button does not render on web, and the same happens if I render the button artboard first the dog artboard does not render

Here is the code:

 Widget _renderAnimationWithGesture() {
    return Container(
      width: 250,
      height: 250,
      child: Stack(
        alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
        children: [
            artboard: 'dog_2',
            onInit: _onDogRiveInit,
            fit: BoxFit.fitWidth,
          SwipeDetector(onSwipeStateUpdate: onSwipeStateUpdate),

  Widget _renderNextButton() {
    return Container(
      width: 350,
      height: 67,
      child: RiveAnimation.asset(
        onInit: _onButtonRiveInit,
        artboard: "button",

3 replies
14d ago

The new Randomize Exit doesnt work when sharing links

when Creating share link the randomize feature doesnt work, it doesnt even display it on the share link window.

6 replies
14d ago

GIFS blank?

Gifs render as black. They have no frames when dragged into Photoshop. Please help

5 replies
14d ago

Undoing keyframe deletion also reverts recent timeline pan/zoom actions

If you scroll/zoom to a different part of the timeline in the graph editor, delete a keyframe, and then undo: Rive will undo deleting the keyframe as expected, but it also undos your most recent scroll/zoom action. Maybe it's treating them as a single action somehow?

It's a little bit disorientating when it happens, but not the end of the world. Just noting it in case it hadn't been spotted!

1 reply