33m ago

Constraints and clipping for reveal.


0 replies
3h ago

Voice Chat in a file

Voice chat per file. Instead of just having a user in the file, make voice chat available within the file. Whenever I've actively collaborated on a file, I've used slack to coordinate. Maybe not worth it since things like huddle and meet exist, but I do think we should take as many steps as possible to eliminate the need for additional software.

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3h ago

Workshop file

A workshop file would allow you to invite users to a file where they can watch you work on something. This, I believe, would be a better way to do internal training, rather than deal with the low frame rates of things like Meet and Zoom. This idea only works if we have voice chat.

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3h ago

Attaching comments and videos to shared files

As great as it will be to have a way to quickly share files between users, realistically you still need other tools like slack or discord if you want to send someone information about the file. I think it would be great if this could all live in that Info panel Alex was showing off today.

Comments - Comments would be a good way to just shoot someone a file with a quick message like "Hey, I need help with this interaction".

Video - Attaching a video file (created outside of Rive) or a video walkthrough (something created within the Editor) would eliminate the need to send someone a message outside of the editor explaining how a file works, or how a particular interaction is set up.

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3h ago

Save Current Revision

A shortcut to save a current revision would be nice. Instead of saving the current revision within the file (though that would be nice too), it would prompt you to rename the revision, then save a copy of the file to your file browser. Instead of dumping it into a random location,  it would wrap the current file, plus the saved revision into a folder. It might also be nice that if you save a current revision, you could send that revision to other users, or to a specific destination within a team or in your file browser.

This is an easy way to prototype interactions; then, instead of creating a new file, you can save those prototypes and delete them from the file after building your finalized assets.

This also serves as a way to freely brainstorm in a file, save an idea, delete the artboard, and continue working.

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3h ago


Seems like a lot of those new share functionality has been thought about already, but figured I'd drop in some of those ideas here.

Share directly with a user. Team spaces are great, but in reality, they get cluttered REALLY quickly. They're a great space for finalized assets to live while waiting for production. Those assets are easily updated within that space as well. The big problem is when someone on your team wants help with a particular interaction, you probably want to avoid clogging up the team space with random files, so having the ability to share a file directly would be a great addition. We could have a few sharing options that could make the experience flexible and be right for any situation.

  1. Send to team - Sends a copy of the file from your personal space, directly to the team space.

    Bonus points if you could dictate exactly where the file ends up, so the ability to say, send to Folder X or Y.

    BIG bonus points if you could "tag a team member". This would allow you to tag a team member and that team member would receive a notification that "a new file has been added to the X Folder on your team". In addition to tagging, sending a little note with the file would also go a long way.

    MORE bonus points if files that you are tagged in could be found in the "shared with me" tab in the file browser.

  2. Share with user - Shares a copy of a file directly with a user. That file lives in a "shared with me" in the file browser. This is an ad-hoc team space where shared files live. They don't have to be collaborative like a team file, but could they be? The idea with this is to make sharing a file easy, without needing to clog up a team space or, without needing to download a .rev, send the file and a message on Slack or email.

    In an ideal world, users would receive a notification that a new file has been shared with them, and the sending user could attach, AT A MINIMUM, a message to the file. The PERFECT scenario is if we could attach a video clip.

    As an add-on to the "Save current revision" idea, sending a specific revision would also be great.

  3. Share with viewer - Basically, a share link, but more akin to a community post. Viewers would be able to leave general feedback, maybe even give reactions similar to how community posts work now?

    Files shared in this way would also live in the "shared with me" tab on the file browser... so viewers would need to have their own Rive account.

    Good way to share with the big boss man who is just there for the final thumbs up or down.

  4. Share for review -  This is similar to sharing with a viewer, except there's added functionality for creative directors, or heads of motion, or whatever the role would be. It would likely look like a share-link or community post window.

    CMD+SHIFT+C - Takes a screenshot, pauses playback, or somehow creates a timestamp so that specific feedback can be given.

    In a perfect world, you'd be able to draw on the window.

0 replies
3h ago

Copy/paste text modifiers

Would be nice to be able to copy modifiers from one text object to another

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3h ago

Right click in empty Animations panel

Would be nice to be able to quickly create an animation, folder, or state machine by right clicking the empty space (instead of having to go up to the plus (+) icon

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3h ago

When copy/pasting an SVG from Figma, paste it into the active artboard

When copy/pasting things from one tool to another, the expectation from other design tools is that the object you're pasting immediately appears where you're working. I'm not sure if I'd want it to show up in the assets in this case. I think if I drag it in then that's different, and I want it to appear in Assets.

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3h ago

Tags for runtime

I think there's a really good approach we could take with it:

  • When creating tags, let the user control whether it's "available at runtime"

  • If an object has a tag that is available at runtime, then:

    • the object and its name are available to find through the runtime API and

    • the tag and any potential properties we might add to that tag are available at runtime

Essentially it becomes the idea we always had to make things available at runtime, but we use the tags for it.

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3h ago

Empty Placeholder Warnings at Export Time

A few times now,we have tried to figure out why a file wasn't working as expected from editor to share link (or C++ viewer in our case of debugging a menu). Things weren't super obvious as to why maybe the graphic looked broken, sometimes without any errors on the console. A lot of errors we track down are because in the editor, there was a transition set up with a condition for a state machine input, or maybe an event being reported on a transition. And if that input or event is removed, the placeholder remains on the transition (with an empty select input in place of it).

This doesn't cause issues in the editor rightfully, however, when exported to a .riv, it seems the runtime complains when some of these conditions with deleted inputs/events remain, and can break.

Ask: A warning at export time to indicate these broken transitions to folks in the editor.

Maybe we could put warnings like this in the state machine console too?

That would be a nice add-on to this. Highlighted to make it obvious, or a different color text or something

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3h ago

Make Cmd + K search docs and tutorials

Some ideas we can borrow from CommandBar https://www.commandbar.com/

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3h ago

Snapping for artboards and nested artboards

Would be nice to have snapping working when creating new artboards (see video). Also when duplicating a nested artboard.

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3h ago

Shortcut to invert keys of an animation.

The idea is to select all the keys you want to invert and use a shortcut instead of moving the keys with the option key.

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3h ago

Create a new shape using the pen tool below the reference image.

The problem is that whenever you create a new layer using the pen tool, it is created on top of everything. When making a stroke following a reference image, the shape sometimes doesn't allow me to see the reference. It is best to always have the reference image on top with some opacity. What happens is that every time I create a new stroke, it appears on top of everything, and I have to stop, move the image position, and continue.

Can the new shape created with the pen tool be created just above a layer I select in the hierarchy? This way, I can control the order.

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3h ago

Indicator for property that is keyed in a timeline associated with a joystick

Currently if you add a timeline to a joystick, it "locks" that property across all timelines. Having some kind of visual indicator to let users know why they can't change that property and that it is currently locked would be helpful.

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3h ago

Ability to toggle Auto-Key off

I find myself, at least once or twice in every file wishing we could stop auto keying.

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3h ago

Hotkey to lock selected objects

It would be nice to be able to select and lock objects with a hotkey. You'd still need to unlock via the hierarchy as there would be no way to select once its locked.

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3h ago

Better way to get multiple animations/inputs/listeners into folder

If you have multiple animations, inputs, or listeners selected, then create a new folder, it should automatically dump the selected animations into the folder.

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